Food Declaration for Newfoundland & Labrador

The Killick Coast Agricultural Advisory Committee is a policy and action group comprised of representatives from seven municipalities along the Killick Coast, working on local food supply.

As we develop the recommendations produced in our very detailed 2023-2025 Killick Coast Agriculture Strategic Plan, we have been hearing repeatedly of ways in which municipalities have been preventing rather than supporting food security and community health across the province.  

Essentially, creation and administration of rules, planning regulations and bylaws that impact home and farm food production has become a burden to municipalities, and they have ended up responding to complaints rather than consistently following best practice and traditional practices.  Following language drafted in a document published in 1947, many local regulations are out of date with our current situation.

The time has come to address this situation.  By doing so, we can address climate change, rebuild food security, and provide protection for rural character and community sustainability.  Our future as a province depends on allowing the thousands of gardeners, farmers, hunters, fishers and foragers to continue to rebuild food security in local communities. To that end, we respectfully request an opportunity to discuss and work together to address the most pressing concerns.